Thursday, June 23, 2011

How to adhere toothpick flags

I recently purchased these toothpick flags:
But in my haste excitement, I never stopped to think how I would adhere these onto a layout. So, as I usually do, I went trolling online to see how others are doing it, and found a few ways:

Tiny Attacher
This is probably the most ideal thing to use to attach the flags. I know Marcy uses this pretty often, and I'm thinking I would love to get one as well. I tried to use my stapler instead for a card I made, and while it held, staples are too wide, and didn't keep the flags firmly in place. I'm thinking would be a better alternative.

Not sure if you can tell from above, but Tina Aszmus simply used thread across the toothpick to keep her flags in place.

Pop Dots
In my layout, I used pop dots to adhere the envelope to my layout, so I simply stuck the toothpicks into the foam. Easy!

Just use the flag
Or, you can do what Nicole Harper did, and just use the flag part! Just take the toothpick out (it's super easy) and then use whatever adhesive you want.

Have you purchased (and used) these? How have you adhered it?

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