Monday, June 22, 2009

wouldn't you know???

i have my next challenge ready to go
and both of my cameras are dead...
guess you'll have to wait till
tomorrow for a photo..

anyways, the monday challenge is
to scrap a photo of you and your
mom..guess i'm feeling nostalgic
since fathers' day just past.

and if you're really stuck, you
can switch up the challenge and
scrap an old photo of yourself..
so there you go!!! your choice of
2...bonus points go to those who
take the challenge to do both!!!

ps....anyone keeping score?? ;)


Sherri said...

Arg :( my printer seems to have died on me. I didn't really want to go out tonight maybe I'll make the lo then add the pic...humm

Julia said...

here's my layout:

btw, this is lots of fun! Keep the challenges coming :)

valerie said...

Here's mine :)