Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Party Invitations

Hi everyone! Hope you had a great long weekend. We got a puppy over the weekend, so ours was spent chasing after the little guy and trying to keep him away from the cats, as much as we could. Needless to say, I'm a little tired today :)

My mom's 60th birthday is coming up, and so of course the scrapbooker in me gets really excited at the thought of being able to make invites for the big party. But then I remembered that making invitations is similar to making cards. And as much as I like making cards, I always get stuck. What is it about the little 4.25 x 5.5 pieces of paper that terrifies me so much?! So I turn to the internet in hopes of finding inspiration. Here are some of the sites I've found:

Kristina Werner
Jennifer McGuire
Laura Craigie

After finding a design, I will almost ALWAYS run out of alphas. I never have enough that are small. So then dilemma #2 is scouring through the packs of alphas I do have and figuring out which ones would actually match the paper I’ve chosen.

Once I have that figured out, I start the assembly line process. I cut up all the paper/ribbons/etc. I need and group them in piles. I then score and fold all the cards. Most of the time I stop before I have them all done because I’m too impatient and just want to see a finished invitation! So without further adieu, here’s what I came up with. It’s nothing fancy, but in the world of e-vites and Facebook event invites, getting an actual paper invitation in the mail, is always special.
Supplies used:
pp - American Crafts, Scenic Route
Ribbon - Dollarama + American Crafts
Alphas - Sassafras, Making Memories, Studio Calico, American Crafts
Stamp: Stampin Up!

Stay tuned, and I'll show you what other decorations I'm planning on making for the party!


Julia said...

mojo monday has a new card sketch every week and tons of inspiration. Love the invitations!

Leigh Penner said...

Great invitations, Flo!
I find for cards/invitations, I often stamp my words or use my computer, especially for lots of the same ones, just to save on my alphas.
I love the stamped clock on the inside with the check mark for surprise.