Tuesday, May 11, 2010

scrappy shares

hey everyone!

just a quick page share with you today, since i haven't shared any layouts in awhile. funny, because i haven't scrapped in awhile either. hmmm....

it's a quick page i made about a great sunday at the park, with great weather (this just happened in april and we're in sandals and tees!). i'm sure the rest of you must have some great pics from the beautiful weather we had. i'd love to see your layouts if you've already scrapped them!

products used:
pp - crate, my mind's eye, studio calico + american crafts
embellishments: american crafts, my mind's eye, red star studio
alphas - sassafras


Laurie said...

Love this Flo... especially all the cut outs and how you arranged them around your multi-size photos... a definite lift in the future!

Leigh Penner said...

Love this layout, Flo!