Monday, January 4, 2010

A new Year

happy new year everyone!!!
so, i haven't decided what mondays in 2010
will bring, so i thought i'd start off with
a little list of goals i have..
i don't have lots, but i am hoping to
accomplishment a couple on my list...
(and they are in no particular order)

I'd like to write and illustrate a childrens' book.
When Jolie was little i used to make up a nightly story
for her about a girl named Sally and her dog Mow-chay...
not sure how to spell that name. sadly i can only remember
one story, and i thought it would be cute to make a book
out of it...and if i can remember any other stories
i'll make more..

Make Pavlova.
I love pavlova from Baked Expectations in winnipeg..
i cannot get enough. it's my ideal dessert, loads of
whipped cream, lemony meringue, and fresh berries...
i'm craving it now!!! i'd like to try and make it
for myself

Do something fun with my buttons..
but in the meantime just collect more,
and admire all the colour.

Paint something!
i purchased the book "the art of maurice sendack"
i love the illustrations in "where the wild things are"
it makes me wanna paint something.

and 5.
i wanna hop on the knitting wagon.
i like all the cute things that can be created by knitting.
but i am gonna have to search youtube for some instructions on left-
handed knitting. we'll see how my patience keeps up.

so those are few of the things i'd like to do in 2010..

but first on my list?
to clean up my scrap space,
and toss a bunch of doubles i have in a shoebox that
i will never scrap and they are just taking up space.
i am nervous to throw photos out, but i will never
use them...i will give some to my girls to scrap, but
only a few...
when i am done that i am going to finally create a mini-
album of Jolie and her animal fundraiser..

cripes, so much to do, so little free time...
please share what some of your goals are,
i'd be curious to know!!!
later! Jen


Julia said...

have you seen papertrey ink's button bits stamp sets? there are three of them and I'm so hooked! Super cute way to use buttons. I've spent way too much money ordering them along with their cute buttons in lots of colours. LOVE!

jen k said...

Julia! those are cute stamps!!!
hmmm....may have to invest! thanks for the links!!

Leigh Penner said...

Great list of goals, Jen! I'm still working on my list...