Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Random Thoughts

I often find that it's easy to document the events in our lives: birthdays, Christmas, vacations, etc. What isn't easy, and what doesn't seem to come naturally to us as scrapbookers is documenting the everyday. The stuff that's part of our routine and what makes our family a family. I know that sometimes I'll think these things are irrelevant and silly to scrap about: how dh always has to clean the house from top to bottom every Friday, how anal I am about having to put everything away before I go to sleep, how our cats wake us up at 2 am for food by stepping all over us until we give in....you get the point. What we're even worse at is documenting ourselves. What we're like as an individual. Not just as a mom, or a wife, or a daughter.

With everything going on in the world today, and all the tragedies that seem to occur daily, I started thinking - what kind of picture am I leaving about myself and my family? If someone was to flip through my scrapbooks, would they get an accurate picture of my life? Or would they just see the landmarks and the happy moments?

So my goal this year is to be more intentional about documenting those moments - happy or sad, about myself or about my family and what makes us tick. Life isn't always happy! So why should our scrapbooks pretend that they are? Our lives are filled with stories daily - no matter how mundane they seem to be - but I'm sure our scrapbooks don't always show it.


Leigh Penner said...

I think I'm okay with scrapping the good and the mundane, but yeah, I definitely want to leave a true picture for my family to remember. Great post, Flo!

Sherri said...

I think that's a goal worth striving for Flo.

carol said...

Maybe I'll deal with that later on, but for now, I'm so backed up dealing with the pix of the happy times, I feel I need to deal with those first. Maybe I'd include more serious matters in my BOM.

valerie said...

I would like to include more of the "real" stuff...I just can't stand the thought of journaling all of it :(