Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentines Week!

This week on the blog is dedicated to all things red and pink, as we spend the week focusing on Valentines Day!

I don't know about you, but I was never much of a Valentines Day type of girl. The most romantic Valentines Day was when dh proposed, and even then I didn't see it coming (yeah, I kind of feel completely idiotic thinking about that now). I suppose when your little brother is born unexpectedly on Valentines Day it kind of kills it for you. So, needless to say, I don't do much for this day. But there are lots of cute ideas floating around, which if I was a total Valentine-a-holic, I would swoon over. Check them out:

I saw this idea on Gigi Kennedy's blog back around Christmastime and fell in love. It was a little too late for me to actually make these back then though. The above picture is actually from Davinie, who had her own spin on Gigi's idea. How cute are these for kid Valentines treats?

I saw this on Elizabeth Kartchner's blog yesterday. C-uuuute! Lovin the punch of baby blue with the red. I also love how she used the 7 gypsies ATC holder and hung all sorts of family pictures on there.

These are such adorable little Valentines boxes and would be super easy to make!

There are a few cute ideas on this site with this same idea.

So tell me - how are you celebrating Valentines Day? Are you and dh planning a romantic night out, or staying at home with the kids? We're having some friends over to watch the premiere of the Amazing Race on Sunday, but planning a pretty low-key just us day on holiday Monday filled with lots of Olympics! Leave me a comment telling me what your plans are and I'll draw for a special Valentines themed prize next week.


Sherri said...

Wow, some people really go all out heh?! We've never really been much for celebrating V-day around here, strategically on V-day only. We like to do special things throughout the year, both with and without the kids. This year seeing as it's on a Sunday I think we'll celebrate here after church. Perhaps bake cookies, and heart shaped pizzas, and watch a good family flick or some Olympic events.

carol said...

Well it's my oldest daughter's birth date so we kinda get giped on the romance side of the day. I usually make a valentine for each kid and put it in their room to find when they wake up. Usually with a little treat beside it. Caity gets to choose what she wants for supper that day. One day it was heart shaped pizzas. This year she wants roast chicken, cheesey mashed potatoes and stuffing. But it will have to wait because we are going to a hotel for the weekend with friends. The kids are so excited!

Leigh Penner said...

I made Valentines for my family and picked up some Reese's chocolate hearts this evening, so I'll put those out for them.
I think for supper, we're getting together with dh's family, as I'm leaving the next day for the Congo. So much for romance!

Susi said...

We are not the real romantic type around hear... so probably just a fun day with the kiddos... sounds pretty good to me.

Laurie said...

Around here we usually get some variety of chocolate for the dds and a little gift of some sort.. these days it's usually make-up or a fav movie.. as for us.. I like to surprise him with flowers at work.. or an evening out for supper with or without the kids.. he usually gets me alittle something... flowers usually. This year we are going out with good friends to a dinner theatre presentation at the United Church in Morden.. not so romantic but should be fun.

Tanya said...

We dont do anything for V-day either, some time spent at home, perhaps go play in the snow...nothing big but time spent together is all I ask!