Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Store your Scraps!

ok...pretty lame, but storing your scraps is important
to using them easily...

so in this first photo i have all three of my folders that have my scraps..
each folder (well a zippered envelope) has 2 each folder i seperate larger fuller sheets in the bigger sections and smaller easy-to-lose pieces in the smaller folder has cardstock in the big side, small pp in the little, the second folder just has big pp in it and my third folder has....

my KI pp, also seperated from big and small...i find if my scraps are super organized then i will use them better...
I also go thru my paper rack every once in a while and make sure any papers that aren't exactly 12x12 are pulled drives me crazy when i think a sheet is full only to find the corner in the back chopped off.

anyone have any other tips for storing their scraps???
the next couple of days i hope to share with you a couple
more layouts using scraps...thanks for visiting this week!!


Marcy said...

I don't have any system for organizing my scraps other than keeping my cardstock separated from my patterned paper!

Your "use your scraps" week got me scrapbooking today Jen! THanks!

Leigh Penner said...

I keep my scraps in a rubbermaid container and just dig through it when I need something.
Not much of a system, but it works for me. ;)

Liz Goldhawk said...

Looks like a great system, Jen!

I have my scraps in a basket beside my scrap table... I dig through it like Leigh does.